About Us

Our work strives to enhance our sense of surroundings, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether feral or human-made.

Selected Awards
  • 2004 — Aga Khan Award for Architecture
  • 2009 — Mies van der Rohe Award
  • 2013 — AIA/ALA Library Building Award
  • 2015 — Best Interior, Designers Saturday
  • 2016 — AIA New York Honor Award



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「HART project」開催!


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秋山雅貴 「北國賞」受賞!

明日4月1日から開催される「第78回 現代美術…

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aQ-studio × HANKYU.MODE

HANKYU.MODO (阪急百貨店)とコラボ…

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aQ-studio 阪急展示会レポート vol.1


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